Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We had a pretty good day. Emma has been crying out at 4:30 the last few mornings but I have gotten in the bed with the girls and then we sleep until about 8:30, so I have been sleeping pretty good the last week. The kids played nicely with each other today so that is always helpful. Sam called my dad to wish him a Happy Birthday and he was so cute. Emma had a tea party and it was also cute. I got some video of her playing but it is taking forever to post so I will try later. The girls took two naps and Sam got an afternoon nap. Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist to get my teeth cleaned so the kids are going to Gran and Papa's for a few hours. I am also going to try to run a few errands by myself. I forgot to mention yesterday that Jeremy found out that Sam can go to his school next year even though we do not live in Nashville. They are both pretty excited about that. I however really do not want to think about my little boy going off to Kindergarten. It already is making me sad. My niece Isabel turned six today and that also just seems impossible. I am really glad I get this time to spend with Sam before he goes off to school. Well I need to get Sam to bed. He is still bouncing off the walls so it may take awhile.

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