Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, August 31, 2009

So I am not quite sure were this past week went. I did not realize it has been almost a week since I posted anything. I was pretty busy last week. I never mentioned this before but a few months ago we put our house up for sale. We put it up for sale for a few reasons but we actually took it off the market about a month ago. The reasons we put it up for sale was not worth the hassle of showing it or having it ready to show all the time, so we decided to stay where we are for a few more years. Well I said all that because when we were about to put it in the market I packed up a bunch of stuff and put it in the garage. I packed up stuff that we do not necessary use all the time but since we decided not to sell it I needed to bring most of it back in the house. Well it was definitely easier to pack up then put it back in the house. So I spent most of Wednesday and Thursday unpacking things and getting things organized. I also finally got the pictures of the kids taken by Jessica Hollis hung up on the wall. I cleaned my oven (which I am not sure the last time I did that) and I cleaned my carpet. Today I took the girls to Gran and Papa's house for a few hours so I could run a few errands and go exercise. Today was my 100th workout at Curves and I was pretty proud of myself. I got a t-shirt but I probably will not wear it much because it is not very cute. The kids are doing good. Sam is still enjoying school. Emma has had a little cold the past few days but I think it is from allergies. She did break out in these bumps that look like bug bites but they are not. We have been keeping cream on them and they are looking better. Her face has looked pitiful from the bumps and then today when I dropped her off at Gran's house she tripped over a cord and busted her lip. I thought she was going to need a stitch because it looked pretty deep and was bleeding pretty bad. It looks better but it still looks pretty bad.
As I was writing Samuel called me and told me that he prayed to God and asked Jesus to come into his heart. He has been asking a lot of questions lately and yesterday at church we had communion and Sam wanted some of the grape juice. Jeremy was trying to explain to him why he could not have any and he was asking questions. Well they will be home in a few minutes so I better go.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Tuesday, August 26, 2009

We are having a good week. Sam is having a great week at school and Emma is starting to like the idea of Sam being at school. She has figured out all the advantages of him not being at home all day. Sam has also been better about wanting to play with her when he gets home. Well there is not much going on this week. The girls and I are going to be leaving in a few minutes to make a Wal-Mart run. Here are a few pictures of the kids playing on their swing set. Have a great day!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

We all survived our first week of Sam going to school. He had a great week but he was EXHAUSTED Friday night. He fell asleep on the way home from school and then slept on the couch until about 9:00 when I made him wake up to eat something. I had been trying all evening to get him awake but he was out. He ate a little mac and cheese and then he went back to sleep and slept until about 7:00 Saturday morning. He had a little sinus congestion and was not feeling so good when he first woke up and he did not want to go to school. We checked his temperature but he did not have one. I finally got him up and dressed and he was feeling better. Well I did not get a new camera this weekend. Jeremy has a flip camcorder that can also take still pictures so this picture was taken yesterday morning. I am thinking about waiting closer to Christmas and get a really nice camera but I do not know if I can wait that long for a new camera. Well the girls and I do not have much planned today. I am going to get the house cleaned up from the weekend and then I have to go to the bank. I am also going to go to Curves. I took the girls with me two days last week and they did great. There is a back room with couches and a TV with a DVD player. I brought the girls a lunch and a Dora movie and they sat down and watched the movie while eating their lunch. I did have Chloe in a stroller so she could not get into anything but I am happy that I have that option to take them with me. I really like exercising there but I knew once school started it was going to get harder for me to get in to exercise. Jeremy has a meeting today after school so I will be going to pick Sam up from school later this afternoon. After I write everything down I guess I have more plans for today than I thought!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

We are having a pretty good week. Monday night we went to Sam's Open House at school and he was just too cute. Jeremy's parents came also and he was so proud to show them his room and meet his teacher. He was just bouncing the whole night. Yesterday was his first full day of school. He did great! I was worried because it did not start out so well yesterday morning because he did not want to get up and go. He fell asleep on the way home and slept on the couch for about 2 hours when they got home. He probably would of slept all night but we had to wake him up for supper. He had a little bit of a hard time falling back asleep last night but he finally went to sleep and he came running in our room at 6:00 this morning. I have been getting him up at about 6:20 but this morning he was ready to go. I hope he is not as hyper at school as he was this morning. He woke Chloe up being loud but thankfully I got her to go back to sleep, she is actually still sleeping. After the guys left I laid back down and then Emma came and got in bed with me and we slept another hour. On the subject of Emma, she is having the hardest time with Sam being gone. Every morning the first thing out of her mouth is "Nam, where's Nam?" I tell her he is at school and she begins to whine and say "I big girl, I go to school". We then repeat the same conversation at least 10 times a day. On Friday and Monday it was not so bad because he was only gone a few hours and then we went and got him. Well yesterday morning I got her dressed and she said "we go get Nam and daddy from school now?" I have to tell her "no" that they will be home later. Of course she asks a few more times that morning. I had to run a few errands and every time we got back in the van she would ask if we were going to get them now. I feel bad for her because she misses him so much but I think the hardest part for her is when Sam finally gets home. When he gets home he just wants to play by himself. He is not mean to her but he wants her to leave him alone. It just breaks my heart because she gets so upset. Well I am not sure if we are dong anything today. I got the house cleaned yesterday and I do not feel very motivated to actually go anywhere. I hope everyone has a great day.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Well I could only get one of the pictures posted from Friday, but you can see how cute he was on the first day of school. I will be so happy when I get a new camera. There have been so many moments the past week that I wished I could of snapped a picture but I could not. Hopefully this weekend I can get a new camera. Well day two of school was another success. Sam woke up this morning happy and ready to go to school. He took a LONG nap yesterday so he had trouble getting to sleep last night so I was sure he was going to be grumpy this morning. He only went half a day today so I have not gotten much accomplished today. The girls and I went out this morning to run a few errands. I had to go to the bank and then we went to Target. We were out of toilet paper and because of Chloe's little tummy ache I only had 3 diapers left this morning. After our errands we headed into Nashville to pick Sam up at school. He looked so cute standing with his class. He got in the van and started telling me about how much fun he had today. We got home about an hour ago and I had to get the girls lunch and now they are down for a nap. Their morning nap did not happen today because of all the things we had to do. Tonight is Open House at Sam's school so we will be heading back to Nashville in a few hours. So, needless to say, the business of the day is not quite over. Jeremy is just staying at school until Open House so I will be wrangling all the kids by myself which is never fun. Well I better go. I guess I should try to accomplish something around the house today.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Saturday, August 15, 2009

So I am sorry that I have not posted all week and I am sorry to say that I do not have any pictures to post today. Jeremy took a few pictures of Sam yesterday but our connection at the house is so slow and so he is having troubling getting them posted. I will try to get them up tomorrow sometime. This past week went by so fast but I will try to give an update on our week. Tuesday we had a few errands to run in the afternoon but for the most part we just stayed home. I got hooked on another series of books so I was not much use around the house because every free moment I was reading. Wednesday I finally put the book down and got my house cleaned and all the laundry caught up. I even got all the bedding washed. Thursday I took the kids to the dentist and they did great. Sam got a few teeth filled and did a great job during the whole thing. The dentist looked in Emma's mouth and everything looked pretty good except for a tooth she has in the front that is rotten. She already had that tooth when she first came home so we knew that there was a problem with it. The past few months the tooth has been breaking off and looks awful. It is not hurting her yet but we are going to get it fixed in the Spring. They did not have any appointments until March so we have a little while before we have to take her. It is probably better that we have to wait because I think she may be a little scared if we had to do it now. By March she will be older and maybe understand what is going on. After the dentist looked at Emma she went ahead and looked at Chloe's teeth since we were all there. Chloe's teeth were fine. She actually just had a new tooth break through in the last few days. We ended up being at the dentist office for a long time but the kids were pretty patient. It was a little crazy because Chloe had an upset stomach or something so I had to change her diaper four times while we were there. I almost ran out of diapers but thankfully we left before she had another stinking diaper. Then yesterday was the BIG DAY around here. My sweet boy went to school. I held it together pretty good. I actually had a rougher time Thursday evening when I was getting his things together for school. He was so excited yesterday morning and was grinning from ear to ear. He looked so grown up. It was weird and quiet in the house with him not in the house. He only went half a day so the girls and I brought him and Jeremy lunch. I was able to meet his teacher and see his room. His teacher is super nice and sweet so I know he will be in good hands. We all stayed up at the school for a few hours while I helped Jeremy with a few things in his room. Sam has another half day on Monday and then starts full time on Tuesday. He was pretty worn out last night but he had a wonderful day. This morning I went to exercise and then to the grocery store, but other then that we are staying home today.
Well that is about it for our week. Chloe has started saying "kitty cat, puppy, and Bible" and it is just too cute when she says it. Of course she will not say the words when we ask her to but she is making progress. Well I will try to get those pictures up soon of Sam. Have a great weekend.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Well my plans to stay home today and get my house cleaned and laundry done did not happen. I called the doctor this morning to get Sam's immunization record filled out for school. I got off the phone and they called me back about 20 minutes later to tell me that Sam was needing 4 shots. I would not normally get upset but I had called their office back in May to set up appointments for Chloe's 2 year check up and Sam's Kindergarten appointment. They told me that Sam had all his shots last October was not in need of any shots. I specifically asked them again if he had all his shots to start school and they said YES. This is the second time that office has done that to me, telling me that the kids were up on shots and then when I needed something documented they come back and tell me that they are missing shots. I was also upset because I wanted to get him in over the summer so I would not have to drag all three kids with me. We have things going on the next two afternoons and then Sam and Emma have a dentist appointment on Thursday, so I had to load everyone up and go to the doctor to get Sam's shots. He was freaking out and I felt so bad because I usually have more time to get him prepared for shots. After the promise of a new train he calmed down and he actually did really great at the doctor. He started freaking out again when we go to the room and he saw the shots but he calmed down and everything was fine. After the doctor the kids and I made a quick trip to Target and then came back home. I am trying to get the laundry done but I am pretty tired from all the activity from this morning. I also have been stressed out because I cannot find a paper that we need to finalize Chloe's adoption. I know I have it somewhere and I know that our agency and the doctor's office has a copy of what I need, but I still need to find it. So, I have papers laying all over my kitchen table and praying that I find it. We are trying to get Chloe's adoption finalized in a few weeks but we need to get the funds together to do it. I contacted our lawyer on Friday and I am trying to get all the paperwork together. Well the girls are waking up from their nap so I better go. Here are two more of my all time favorite pictures of Samuel.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday, August 09, 2009

We have had a pretty good weekend. I know I have not blogged since last week but my camera broke on Thursday and I have been pretty bummed that I could not take any pictures. I need to wait a few weeks before I can get a new one. I am going to borrow a friend's camera for Friday so I can get some of Sam on his first day of school (sniff, sniff). I thought since I could not take any pictures I would post a few of Sam from the past few years. The ones I posted tonight were taken on his first birthday and his first Thanksgiving. I have forgotten how little he was. Anyway, I better move on before I start to cry. Just a quick update on the past few days. Friday the kids and I went to our friend's house and swam in her pool most of the day. Her daughters played with the kids and kept them occupied in the pool so I had a very relaxing day by the pool. My friend also gave us their swing set. Her girls are too old for the swing set so she let us have it. Jeremy and a teen in our youth group put it up in our yard Friday. The kids played on it a little bit on Saturday but it was way too hot to be outside for very long. Friday night we had some of the older teens over to our house to watch a movie. They were watching a movie that I did not really want to watch so the kids and I stayed in their room watching a different movie. Last night was pretty interesting round here. Chloe has definitely hit the terrible two's. She has been not been wanting to take a nap in the afternoon even though she she so tired. She plays in her bed and cries and carries on. Well yesterday she was so crabby because she would not go to sleep. She kept throwing tantrums all evening. She then started this thing where she would stomp her feet at me when she did not get her way. I actually put her to bed at 6:30 last night and she slept all night. After I was completely worn out from dealing with Chloe I out Emma in the bathtub. I stepped out of the bathroom for a few minutes and when I went back in I knew something was up when Emma was peeking over the tub and said "Hi" with her sweet face. I walked over the tub and she had pooped in the tub! It was absolutely disgusting! I got her cleaned up and then had to bleach everything in the tub. I was so ready for bedtime to come last night. Today we had church and then went to our favorite Mexican restaurant. We then came home and we all took a nap. Jeremy starts in service tomorrow and the kids and I are going to stay home.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The kids and I are just staying home today. We have church and VBS tonight so we will get out later. The kids have really enjoyed VBS the last two nights and I have enjoyed a few hours to myself. Monday night I went to Curves and went to the grocery store while the kids were gone and last night I stayed home and enjoyed a few hours of quiet. Last night when Jeremy and the kids were leaving Sam asked me if I was going to stay home when I said that I was he then said, "Well mom it looks like you could use some more rest." I guess I looked as frazzled as I felt. Today I am planning on getting the laundry done and get the house cleaned up. I am in the mood to organize but I think I am going to wait until school starts to do any major organizing. There are a few closets and cabinets that I want to tackle but it will be easier without Sam wanting to keep everything. Well that is about it for today. Here are some pictures of the kids from last night.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

We had a pretty good weekend. Jeremy and I had a nice evening Friday. We out to eat and then just walked around the mall for a little while. Saturday we took the kids to the park for a few hours. It was a nice day and the kids had fun. We went to Sonic to get the kids lunch and then went to the park. Sam and Emma ate their chicken quickly and then played on the slides and swings. Chloe sat down on a bench most of the time just enjoying her chicken and bread. She did not want to play she wanted to eat. Jeremy had a youth group activity Saturday night so the kids and I stayed home. Yesterday was church and then we had lunch at Jeremy's parents house. Last night was our Back to School Bash at church and the kick-off for our VBS that we are doing tonight through Wednesday. The kids had so much fun last night. All three of my kids can go to VBS and Jeremy and I are actually not in charge of anything so I think Jeremy is going to take the kids while I have a few nights to relax. Jeremy started a training today for school that lasts until Thursday and then he starts inservice next Monday, so his summer is officially over. Well I have a very bad headache today so I am hoping the kids will behave. Chloe has been in a mood this morning so I am not counting on a too peaceful day. She has already thrown two big toys against the wall and pushed Emma down. She is sweet most of the time but when she is being crabby she is being VERY crabby. Well here are a few pictures from the weekend.