Friday, January 16, 2009

It is going to be a busy day but thankfully Jeremy is out of school to help me get some stuff done. They called off school today due to extreme cold. Well I have to finish packing today and get my house cleaned up. I am going to run a few errands with the girls this afternoon and Jeremy is going to shampoo my carpets. Sam is going to help me or at least he thinks he is helping him. I have to take down the Dora tent and try to figure out where to put the thing. It is supposed to fold up but I am guessing it is not going to be that easy. We are leaving at 9 AM tomorrow and will not be back until Monday night. I am excited because I do need a little break but I am also started to panic about leaving Chloe. So please pray that she does good with Gran and Papa and for me while I am away from her. Well Sam and Chloe are awake and they are wanting breakfast, so I better go. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will post again on Tuesday.

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