Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My sweet Emma is 22 months old today. She is growing so much. She is starting to lose her baby face and it makes me a little sad. We have really been working on her using her words. I think she can say just about anything but she is pretty stubborn. The one word she still refuses to say is "please". I know she can say it because she has before but she just looks away when we tell her to say "please". We are also still working on her biting and now her new thing of scratching. I guess the only good thing about her bad habits is she reserves them for her brother. Sam has been biting her back and it seems to be helping. I think it is harder on Sam biting her back though then it is on Emma. Sam has plenty of misbehaving in him but hurting someone else is not his nature. Yesterday Emma bit Sam and I told her to give him a hug and tell him she was sorry. I have done this before and she would not do it. Well yesterday she went over to him and hugged him and said "sorry" just as plain as can be. It was sweet. When Jeremy got home he was holding her and he shook his head and said 'no' and she did the same thing. He then shook is head 'yes' and said 'yes', she repeated him. He then shrugged his shoulders and said 'maybe', she then shrugged her shoulders and said 'maybe'. We started laughing. It was so cute. Well I did not stay in today. The kids and I went up to Dollar General. I was out of eggs and apple juice so I decided to get out. I usually get in trouble when I go to Wal-Mart so at least I stayed away from that store. Well Sam is becoming my big helper these days. The past few nights he has helped me load and unload the dishwasher and yesterday he helped me vacuum the living room. We are trying to start giving him some responsibility around the house. The only problem is that Emma also wants to help but of course she cannot do the jobs Sam is doing so we have had a few fits from her. Emma is taking her nap and Sam is writing on some paper. I guess I will go eat some lunch. I am planning on exercising when Jeremy gets home. Here is Sam using the vacuum.

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