Monday, February 9, 2009

We had a pretty good day. I got a little bit more sleep last night. Emma was crying out at one point in the night yelling for a drink but I will admit that I did not get up to get her one. I had taken some Tylenol PM to help with my headache and I was kind of out of it to get her one. I heard Jeremy tell her to go back to sleep so I guess he took care of it. At 3 AM I heard Chloe and I realized that she sounded really close. It was strange because she was not crying she was laughing and sounded like she was playing. I got up and she was in the living room leaning against the couch. I picked her up and put her back in the bed and she went right back to sleep. It is almost like she is sleep walking because she acts like she does not know what she is doing. I ended up going back to sleep in the girls' bed to make sure she did not escape again. We all slept until 8 to that was nice. Sam is still doing great in his own bed. After we got up we all got ready and went to the grocery store. I usually go to Wal-Mart but I went to Kroger today and I think I will start shopping there for my groceries. They have these amazing buggies with a little car on the front that Sam and Emma rode in and then Chloe went in the from of the buggy. All three kids could ride and I still had a basket to put the food. I also spent a lot less because I was not tempted to buy clothes or toys. After groceries we went to McDonalds and got the kids some lunch and then we headed home. The girls took a nap and I got the kitchen cleaned up and some laundry done. The girls woke up and the kids played for a while and then I put all three kids down for a nap. When Jeremy got home I went to Curves. I got home about an hour ago. Jeremy and the kids are putting a puzzle together. Well that was our day today. The weather is beautiful again today but I think some storms are coming tomorrow or Wednesday, but maybe the kids can play outside some tomorrow. Well I better go get the kitchen cleaned up. I will try to get some pictures up tomorrow.

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