Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Today seemed like a very long day. My throat feels better, but I feel very tired. The kids were wild for Jeremy today. He might be finding a babysitter soon. They just hang all over him and they do not want to play in their rooms. He has a headache tonight. 
I forgot to mention last night that when we were at Wal-Mart getting my medicine the lady at the check out was looking at Sam and Emma and she said, "They look just like my brother and sister when they were little. We are half Korean, too." She thought they were my natural children. It is so cool when that happens. Well, I thought Sam had finally accepted his new sister, but this afternoon we were walking to the mail box and Sam said, "Mom, when are we going to take Emma back to the Korea? Emma misses it there." I told him that Emma wanted to stay here with us and he seemed OK with that answer. I have posted some pictures taken tonight. You can see that Emma's hair is getting long and it is now a source of irritation for her and me. When she first came home I was just putting a bow in it, but she would pull it out in 5 seconds. So a few weeks ago I got those little ouchless rubber bands and have been pulling her hair back. For a while she left those in and I could usually catch her before she pulled them out. Well, she has gotten fast at pulling them out. I will have her hair perfectly pulled back and when we are about to get where we are going she has pulled it out. Then her hair looks all crazy. You can also see that Emma is using a spoon by herself. She is a very messing eater. She almost needs a bath every time she eats. Her new thing is sticking her tongue out at people.  Well, Emma is asleep and I need to get Sam to bed. Tomorrow the kids are going swimming and I am going to try to get our stuff together for our trip. 

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