Saturday, July 12, 2008

Well we got back about 5 PM. We had a great trip. We worked hard all week and we are exhausted but it was worth every minute. We took 12 amazing teenagers on this trip. It is still amazing that these kids pay money to work themselves to death. We left OK yesterday and stayed in Memphis last night. Sam and Emma slept until almost 9 AM so I was thankful for the much needed rest. The kids also did great staying with Nana. Sam and Isabel had a ball. They played outside, swam in a little pool and watched cows that somehow escaped into Kristy's backyard. Emma fell on the front steps so she had a few scratches on her face but she is doing good. Sam and Emma both were happy to see me. We went and got the kids Thursday night and they stayed with us at the church we were staying at for the night. They both will not let me out of their sight. Friday morning Sam was with Jeremy and I was packing up and for some reason they did not know where I was, Sam asked Jeremy, "Did mommy leave me again?"Emma will not let any one else hold her for more than a few minutes. She also had a pretty rough ride home today. She had several breakdowns. She also had a rough morning. I was getting ready this morning and I had my straightener up high enough where see had to work pretty hard to get to it. Well I caught her a few times going towards it so I was very firm and told her not to touch it. I even spanked her hand. Well I was getting Sam dressed and I turned around and she somehow got the straightener and burned her hand. She has a pretty nasty blister. I put some cream on it and she does not act like it is bothering her. Well it is getting late so I better et everyone to bed. We have not downloaded the pictures yet so I will post them tomorrow or later tonight.  Here are few from last Saturday.

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