Thursday, July 3, 2008

Well not much going on here today. I had to work and Jeremy and the kids had to run a few errands but hung around the house most of the day. Emma slept almost 4 hours today so she is still going strong. After work I came home and then I took Emma to a friends house so Sam and I could go to Jeremy's softball game. I felt bad because I have not been to any of his games and Sam really wanted to go. There was no way that I was going to sit at the ball field with two wiggling kids in 90 degree weather. Jeremy actually has two games tonight but we did not stay for the 9 o'clock game. I am trying to pick up around here and finish packing. We are staying in tomorrow so I guess I finish everything then. We usually go downtown for fireworks but we are not going this year. We were also thinking about going to a Sounds baseball game but we do not want to be out late since we are leaving Saturday. We also do not now how Emma will like the fireworks so we will wait until next year. Fireworks actually make me kinda mad because I think about how much money was wasted each time one goes up and becomes ashes. I know they are pretty, but it still makes me a little mad. 
Well we found out yesterday that all our paperwork as come in and our homestudy should be complete. We were assigned a new social worker and we are meeting her July 16th. We are a bit confused because post placements are supposed to take place at our home, but Jeremy got an e-mail from her to confirm our visit but she said we were meeting at the office. Our social worker is not in today so we could not ask if there was some mistake. We are holding on to a little hope that maybe we are meeting at the office so we can do Chloe's referral:) I know that may be wishful thinking but wouldn't that be great. I am trying not to get my hopes up because she may want us to meet at the office because she is new. I will let you know as soon as I know something. Well Emma is finally getting tired so I guess I will put her to bed. Here is a cute picture of Sam trying on his daddy's glasses. 

1 comment:

Melissa said...

We just got set up with Sharon - the new caseworker and we have to meet at the office as well. Who knows why!