Monday, May 10, 2010

Update on Kids

Well I thought we were going to have major issues with Emma's tooth but come to find out her tooth is bruised. I had no idea a tooth could be bruised. She must of hit her tooth on something but I cannot think of a time she hit her mouth hard enough to bruise her tooth. The good news is that the tooth is in good shape and does not need to be pulled. The bad news is that the tooth will stay discolored until it falls out. After the dentist we went across the street to the doctor. Sam started crying at my work and the teacher came over to tell me that he was complaining of his ear and that he was running a fever. I called the doctor and got him an appointment. The doctor came into the room and looked in his ear. There was a piece of wax in the way so he had to dig it out. When he got the waxed removed he was surprised to see that his ear drum had ruptured. I stared crying because I could not believe it. I thought he just had another ear infection. He prescribed him a strong antibiotic and some ear drops that are also an antibiotic. I have to take him back next week to make sure his ear is healing. He looks so pitiful! He is fast asleep on the couch and will probably stay there the rest of the night. Please say a prayer for him and that he ear heals quickly.

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